Travel the World to Find a Life Pho of Meaning

When good friends travel and collect experiences to be shared, adventures are made much more interesting – especially when they are relished through the palate.  Jonathan Heppner, a friend, chef, and fellow traveler (as well as the bearded half of Travel Chick Tracey), has traveled the world and collected some of his favorite flavors and…

Travel health, nutrition, and how to prepare for great adventures

Traveling across the globe into different timezones and climates can take a huge toll on the body.  As it turns out, time differences aren’t all to blame for jet-lag; internal bruising plays a part too.  With the travel we do these days, you can imagine the beating our bodies go through – the question is,…

The Adventures Begin!

Here begins our great adventures online! We are 3 Fantastically FUN chicks who love travel and want to share it with YOU! Check back for fresh, new blog posts! Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton